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My High School Diary - She survived


Julia Neal

September 9th 2015

Hey it’s me, September 9th. I’m a little over two weeks into Freshman year, and it's honestly not what people said it would be. Having homework on the first day of school was not ideal. My teachers last year made it seem like they “were preparing us for high school”. They were NOT. Like in high school we do not carry around binders, one strap our backpacks. Do my teachers even know my name? No they don’t. Anyways sorry I just talked about school for so long but I have to go do my modern homework now!! How fun!! Bye. ALSO I’m writing these every so often (hopefully) for the rest of high school, because I forgot to write myself a senior letter. So this will have to do.

December 19th 2015

Omg it has been THREE MONTHS since I have written in here. Wow a lot has changed!!! So I thought I knew anything about high school then, three weeks into the year. HA no I did not. So I think it was like two months ago that the older guys asked us to hang out!!!! But, word of advice I wish I could’ve given myself, DON’T hangout with older guys less than a month into high school. Especially before you become friends with the girls. Because then the older girls will hate you. Oh did I mention ITS WINTER BREAK!!!!!!! I survived (almost) my first semester of high school wooohooooo. Ok gtg mom’s yelling at me for dinner. I’ll write again soon.

February 29th 2016

Ok. I need to vent. It’s monday, the worst day of the week as we all know. BTW finals were whatever like physics was so hard (all of my friends think its easy but i know they’re lying) and the rest were fine. Back to my venting though. So Miranda was talking to one of the older boys (the one's I advise not to become friends with) and of course he hurts her and she's depressed about it. By the time I am reading this we will probably look back and laugh at this, but it's the only thing she talks about. We all warned her too, because he has a bad reputation. But nope. Never listens. Anywhom that’s just been bothering me but also, I’ve been feeling bad about friends lately. My friends just want to do things that make them cool, and that isn’t the kind of person I am. Idk who else I could be friends with though. Hopefully next time I write things will be better.

April 24th 2016

Hi. I’m not in too great of a place. My teachers assigned a lot of work and things are stressful at home. Ally is going to college next year and then I will be an only child at home. That's freaking me out. Then only two years until I go to college. My grades kinda suck. I gotta go.

September 20th 2016

Why does it have to be the school year again. Summer once your in high school is so much fun. One of my friends got her LICENSE and we literally just went to the beach everyday. Also Ally went to school, and I was not ok. Took me about two weeks to get used to being home with mom and dad but then it was fine. Also, Sophomore year is so easy so far. Tests aren’t even that hard but I have had a lot in the small amount of time. I met this girl in Bio and she’s so nice I think we are gonna be best friends. I’ll check in soon.

December 10th 2016

I LOVE HIGH SCHOOL. Weird? Yes. But things are going so well. I started basketball like two months ago. My team is all so close and even though we aren’t doing that well its still so fun. Everyday before a game we all hang out at school (since we don’t have parking spots/licenses and can’t leave) and I just really like being friends with people from the team. Freshman year basketball was so much fun but I was nervous at the beginning and it got so much better. This year is more comfortable. Bye bye.

February 6th 2017

GOT MY LICENSE!!!!!!!! YAYAAYA. Driving by myself for the first time was so weird!!! And the driving test was so scary omg but it actually want sort of easy. If I drive more than one person my mom will kill me so just me and another person for the next year!!!!!!! Best day ever.

June 19th 2017

Help. Idk what to do. I am so miserable whenever I am around my friends and I have been hanging out with Caylee and her friends but that just pulls me further from my group. I need to switch groups. This is the hardest decision EVER.

September 20th 2017

Ok all is good now. Just saw what I wrote in June. I am happy and good with my friends (new friends). The transition I must admit was hard. People I have been best friends with since I was in 2nd grade suddenly stopped being the one I talked to everyday. But it was for the better. I am so happy and myself, more than I have been in years with friends. ALSO. Junior Year. Is So Hard. I'm doing cross country right now. It’s awful but I have a best friend on the team who makes it fun to be with.

January 10th 2018

Hello it’s been a while but not much is going on. I know it is super early but I am starting to feel weird about my older friends leaving. Two of my best friends are older and it’s gonna be so weird everyday at school without the seniors here. But that isn’t for a long time. Besides that, I started working as a hostess. RECOMMENDATION: Get a job in high school. You make friends and have some extra money. It is worth it.

April 30th 2018

Welllll I am almost a senior. Crazy. Got a lot going on with school. I will check in later.

July 25th 2018

Summer is going by so fast. Less than a month left, UNTIL MY LAST YEAR OF HIGH SCHOOL. Woah. Even the last few days at school when the seniors left felt so surreal, what is a whole year of that going to feel like? I can’t even imagine. Summer has been so fun. I am still a counselor for four year olds and I love all the people I work with. My kids are so cute.

September 14th 2018

Hi. Its september already and people are committing to college. Everything is moving so fast and changing. I don't know where I’ll end up going.

February 17th 2019

COMMITTED TO COLLEGE!!!!!!!! Senior spring break is so soon. And I just turned 18 :)))))) Oke bye bye

April 20th 2019

Hey. Here is a few words of advice a few weeks before I graduate, I wish I could have told myself before I started this. Time in high school FLIES, so don’t spend it with anyone who doesn’t mean something to you. Don’t stress too hard over school, but do try freshman year because that is what has hurt my GPA the most. Taking two AP classes for the first time as a senior? Not worth it. Make the most of every moment, whether it be a football game or dinner with your family. Enjoy four years that I can promise you won’t be the best, but they make you who you are.



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